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CEO of Rufftown records Bullet, has disclosed that popular beatsmaker Dannybeatz is no more an official partner of Rufftown records.

CEO of Rufftown records Bullet, has disclosed that popular beatsmaker Dannybeatz is no more an official partner of Rufftown records.

Detailing his association with the producer, Bullet revealed that their relationship with him was more of a partnership with Dannybeatz’s mother record label, African Prints records but things didn’t go as they wanted and so they have gone their separate ways.

Bullet however added during the interview with Sammy Flex on Showbiz Agenda that, they still work “hand in hand” with him and he still produces music for artiste signed under Rufftown records. Dannybeatz has been behind hits from Rufftown signed acts like Ebony (R.I.P) and Wendy Shay.
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